Just look how far I have come

In life when you have been on a very long journey, one which has spanned over ten years with numerous ups and downs and the odd moment which has taken you off track all together, its easy to forget just how far you have come…and difficult at times to even remember where you started in … Continue reading

A ten minute blast on the treadmill

I’ve had a busy old day today. Up early for Weightwatchers, I’ve put on 2.5lbs but hey that’s over 3 weeks, so kinda not that fussed as I know I will shift that in a week. Then had a meeting in Wanstead to discuss plans for a 5k family run in the summer. So seeing … Continue reading

Are you lucky enough to have a home gym??

I thought not. Me neither. Or have I?? Just one second. Silly me…of course I have. Look there’s the Running Machine behind the door that I bought 5 years ago and have used less than 20 times. Oh and the other halfs weights bench and weights bar, 2 kettlebells (8kg and 12kg), a skipping rope, … Continue reading

Happy to be alive and running

This evenings post was going to be one of “Woe is me”, what with my bad knee, the 3lbs I put on at weightwatchers and the twelve hour shifts my fiance is currently doing hence the fact I’m finding it hard to get out for a run. But something happened this morning during London’s busy … Continue reading

Now thats what I call a workout

I have been having a nightmare trying to get to an aerobics class this week. I have been wanting to do a body conditioning, circuits or legs bum and tums class for a while for my final test of my Zaggora Pants,  yesterday I found out my local gyms crèche needs to be booked 6 … Continue reading

Dreadmill to Shedmill in 5 Easy Steps

For many overweight women the treadmill is the first step on their running journey, safe in the knowledge that they can press the red button at any point, jump off and go for a breather if needed. For others though it truly is their worst nightmare, running on a contraption with an apparent mind of … Continue reading

A Swim

As its Fathers Day I had to be Rosie’s interpreter for the day, handing over gifts and messages to her dad that would otherwise remain ungiven/unspoken. This is just as well really as my ankle is sore from yesterday’s accident at parkrun. I can walk on it and its not swollen, but there is defo … Continue reading

Whoever Invented Spinning should be SHOT

Ok that sounds a little harsh But seriously…what were they on? It’s hellish. I planned to go to the gym today and do a hardcore treadmill session followed by a swim but when I got there I just enquired as to what classes were going on and you guessed it. 6.45pm SPIN What the hell, … Continue reading

Benidorm here I come

The sun is shining, it’s a beautiful day and I have got my days exercise done and dusted. Friday is baby swimming day with Rose. The swimming pool is 15 minutes away in the car, but it’s a lovely 30minutes walk along the greenway, a hidden gem of london which is in fact the great … Continue reading

At the Back

I suppose I am quite competative by nature, it might be something to do with having 5 siblings… growing up it was very much like “You snooze you lose”, and that ethos has followed me into adult life. So the other day whilst in the gym with 3 of my work colleagues, and Eric the … Continue reading

Back of the pack…again!

So today was the second of my sessions with OSS at London Fields Lido (a place I am truly falling in love with) Ok so what was different this week? 1. I did not have a hangover 2. I had a proper nights sleep 3. The sun was out, it was glorious 4. I remembered … Continue reading

Fatty must swim too!

I always considered myself to be a strong swimmer, until today that is. So after a night of heavy drinking and about four hours sleep, I made my way to London Fields Lido for week 1 of my outdoor swimming course. Once again my preparation and attention to detail have let me down, and once … Continue reading

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